Writing for Another Part II

So, some of you know that I write. Yeah, I know. Shocker. Most of you know that I like to write different kinds of things, not just blogs. I enjoy branching out creatively and experiencing the joy when writing in an untested medium…at least for myself.

Not many of you know that I write for another blog, called How We Lost the Moon. There, writers, experienced and novice find a voice. You can write whatever you want. If you’ve been wanting to write a short story, but didn’t feel confident publishing it, this site will publish the work and the audience will accept it. It’s a safe place to experiment in your writing. I started writing poetry when I was a teenager, then in college my good friend David started a writing group where we shared our writing. Then I got into blogging and loved that format. HWLTM was the first place that I tried to write a short story. Once I tried it, I loved it. I couldn’t get enough of it. The stories I write are getting longer and longer now, ha. I am a huge advocate for the cathartic release that writing can give a person, and I will always encourage people who are shy about their writing to take a step of faith.

This month on HWLTM, they are running a contest. It’s a Blue Moon Contest. The rules are to write about a famous painting. My piece is called “A Self Portrait in Retrospect,” written on the painting “The Wanderer Above a Sea of Fog,” which happens to be my favorite painting. The rules are also this: Like the post you want to win. The Like button is located at the bottom of the post and is a button with a star in it. Mobile versions of the website might have more trouble, I hear, so sorry.

Thank you for reading my blog and for enjoying what I do here. If you enjoy my post that I mentioned above, keep an eye on the website for a new short story that I will be publishing within a few weeks called, “The Adventures of Booker and Bishop: And The Lost Door.”

Thank You.

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2014 in review

Thank you for an incredible year. I love writing, and having an audience to read what I write makes the process that much more enjoyable. I hope you stick around for 2015, should be a heck of a year in writing.

The WordPress.com stats helper monkeys prepared a 2014 annual report for this blog.

Here’s an excerpt:

The concert hall at the Sydney Opera House holds 2,700 people. This blog was viewed about 25,000 times in 2014. If it were a concert at Sydney Opera House, it would take about 9 sold-out performances for that many people to see it.

Click here to see the complete report.

A Leaf on the Wind: 2013 in Review

Linked below is a fun little review of my year in 2013 within my website. Check it out, it’s kinda cool.

Here’s an excerpt:

The concert hall at the Sydney Opera House holds 2,700 people. This blog was viewed about 14,000 times in 2013. If it were a concert at Sydney Opera House, it would take about 5 sold-out performances for that many people to see it.

Click here to see the complete report.

The Beauty in a *CLICK*

Sometimes in life, you are given the rare glimpse into the lens of something truly beautiful. If you are smart, you will chase it and let it affect you in a deeply transformative way. I had just that experience the other day when I stumbled on a blog belonging to a WordPress user who followed my blog here at Leaves in the Pages. His name is Patrick Latter and his WordPress site is Canadian Hiking Photography.

The reason that I am writing about Patrick today, is because he never asked me to plug his website, photography, or blog. He never told me how awesome his photos are, or how I should check out his page when I get a chance. I am merely intrigued by all users who find an interest in my blog, and so I likewise check out theirs as well. What I didn’t expect to find when I clicked on his link was jaw dropping awe.

This is my favorite.

Patrick uses very good equipment and outlines what he uses before each post on his blog. (which I find very cool). Still, a tool is only as good as its master, and….I was found speechless on many occasions when scrolling through all the different photos and moments captured in his lens. The art, the beauty, the tranquility caught in a CLICK, was honestly one of a kind. No, I’m not drunk. I just love this stuff. I would be doing exactly what he is doing if I had the gear and the means.

I will now show you a greatest hits from what I found to be the most breathtaking and simplistically awesome. I would highly suggest following his blog, as the good pictures don’t stop coming with this guy. You can visit his website here: http://patricklatterphoto.com/#/0, his blog, as mentioned above, here: http://hikingphoto.com/, and if you want to buy any of his photos and hang them in your hallways (as I am thinking about doing), go here: http://patricklatter.smugmug.com/.

As you look through these photos, do more than glance and move on after 1-2 seconds. Take a moment, and really look at the photo. Imagine yourself there, taking the picture. Immerse yourself in the spectacle. Then you may understand why I love these photos.

Writing for Another

Hello readers. I just wanted to update you on a new development recently regarding my writing. About two weeks ago, I was emailed by a website called rednow. Rednow explores the “wonder” in the media we experience. To quote the website, rednow exists, “to provide opportunities to feel and think: to wonder.” Their tagline for the website is, “Rednow: The Art of Wonder.” What does their name mean? Even that is left for us to “wonder” about.


Naturally I checked out the site to see what they were about, and after reading their mission statements, I was on board 100%. I began by writing a piece about Garden State for them about a week ago, you can see that here. After editing it a few times and running it by their editor, they liked what I had written enough to put it on their site! I was very excited, because even though I have many viewers on my blog here at wordpress, this was a new and exciting opportunity that I never thought I would get to experience.

I want to let you know here that I am not going to stop writing on my blog, but I WILL be running my articles that I write for rednow through my blog. I’d like to give my friends over there some much deserved traffic, as their site aims to explore media from a totally different lens rather than just letting it wash over us from a numb, mindless, perspective.

I hope that you can check out their site and read some of their articles on film, music, tv, and other fascinating stories. Most of them will make you wonder yourself, and frankly, that’s not a bad thing in todays world.