Close to the Chest: Why I’m Eventually Moving

I just took one of those stupid, “What National Park Are You?” quizzes that you see on facebook, but almost alway skip over. Today, for some reason, I took it. I was bored sitting in my ice box for a room, and had a few minutes. The quiz asked me more questions than I ever thought possible for an online, meaningless, click-bait quiz. Still, the quiz brought me to an odd realization: It’s been a while since I had a one-on-one with you guys. Really let you inside my head. For an introvert, this is as close as it gets to external processing, ha. Continue reading “Close to the Chest: Why I’m Eventually Moving”

The Conveyer Belt of Life

Chicago beckons me back with the lake on her right, and the giants on her left. She’s my kind of town and my kind of home. Chicago, I’m coming.


I’m going home tomorrow for the first time in over a year and a half. Until now, the longest I had been away from home was five months. I feel that I have been doing well in New Zealand. I am always asked one of three questions when people here find out I’m American, and sometimes I get all three.

  1. So what brought you to NEW ZEALAND of all places?!? (Said exactly how you think it’s said.)
  2. Wasn’t there any work in Chicago?
  3. So you have any family here? You moved here on your own?!? Why?!

Those are all fun questions to answer, and I never tire from answering them…

Continue reading “The Conveyer Belt of Life”